Product Detail: Delicately handmade crochet beads and whorls adorn our Samoolam neckpieces in bright hues. Throw them over shimmery clothes to tone the glitz down or over a neutral look to up its colour quotient.
$ 61.72
$ 47.48
$ 62.02
$ 80.63
$ 67.31
$ 87.50
$ 79.00
$ 49.95
$ 51.87
$ 67.43
$ 58.99
$ 76.69
$ 80.00
$ 130.00
$ 57.21
$ 74.37
$ 51.60
$ 67.08
$ 85.95
Product Detail: Delicately handmade crochet beads and whorls adorn our Samoolam neckpieces in bright hues. Throw them over shimmery clothes to tone the glitz down or over a neutral look to up its colour quotient.